A Douglas Review: Colson Specialty Caster Series

September 24, 2015

With the many different caster suppliers that Douglas Equipment works with, we are very likely to have a standard caster that will meet your needs, in fact Colson Casters alone has over 35,000 standard models, but what if you need a caster for a specialty purpose? These instances are where the Colson Specialty Casters are…

When Not to Use a Threaded Stem on Your Caster

September 23, 2015

When you are picking out a caster for your unique application, there can be a lot of things to consider and not knowing what affects your decision can cause you to choose the wrong caster for the job. This is why finding the right service professional to work with will help make sure you find…

Buying Industrial Supplies at Better Prices than Uline and Grainger

Buying Industrial Supplies at Better Prices than Uline and Grainger

September 22, 2015

With a busy warehouse it can seem like there is always something else that needs to be purchased to make the workflow run more smoothly. Only rarely does this include a big piece of material handling equipment like a walk behind pallet truck or pneumatic lifting truck. Often this consists of smaller things like a…

Where to Purchase the Right Casters and Wheels for the Job

Where to Purchase the Right Casters and Wheels for the Job

September 17, 2015

Your job is unique, and that means that not just any caster will do for your material handling needs. You need to think about many things when choosing the right caster; brakes or no brakes, wheel type, load capacity and swivel or fixed? All of these factors are important when you are choosing the right…

Caster Combinations for Trucks

When you are deciding how to mount casters on your platform or equipment, there are many effective configurations. The appropriate combination of swivel and fixed casters can provide great maneuverability, or a more inflexible ride depending on what you want. Here are six standard designs for platforms, carts or equipment and a bit about what…

Equipment for Moving Furniture: What Will You Need?

Equipment for Moving Furniture: What Will You Need?

August 27, 2015

Moving furniture is a task that must happen from time to time, and the perfect piece of equipment can help make this task quick and efficient. If you have furniture that is always being moved around, it is best to find the right casters to permanently attach to those pieces. But if you are only…

Easy to Use Foot Operated Hydraulic Pedalifts from Wesco

Easy to Use Foot Operated Hydraulic Pedalifts from Wesco

August 25, 2015

For moving and placing loads into working position, there is no material handling equipment quite like a pedalift. These easily mobile units allow you to slide under an object like a box and lift it on to a hydraulic platform without difficulty. You can then move the load around on the wheels and position it…

Material Handling Products: How to Properly Load a Dolly

Material Handling Products: How to Properly Load a Dolly

August 20, 2015

When you need to move a load in a tight area like a hallway and can’t afford to tilt the load or if you have material handling equipment that extends past the load, a dolly is the moving equipment of choice. The small platform of the dolly will easily fit under a heavy object, raising…