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Douglas Equipment Company, Material Handling Equipment, Miami, FL
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Evolution Maintenance Free Casters for Towed Applications


  • Zinc plated finish
  • Designed for dynamic towing applications
  • Maintenance free precision swivel raceway
  • 5/16" steel top plate for maximum durability
  • Fork legs 5/16" thick, 2-1/2" wide
  • 1/2" hollow axle with grease zerk and lock nut

    Standard Mounting

  • 4-1/2 x 6-1/4 top plate, with 3-3/8 x 5-1/4" bolt holes, slotted to 2-7/16 x 4-15/16"
Wheel Diameter Optional Bearings Thread With Capacity Wheel Description Load Height Swivel Radius Weight Swivel Top Plate Rigid Top Plate
8" PPBB 2" 500 Performa Rubber (Conductive Flat) 10-1/4 6-1/4 11-3/4 7.08579.459 COND 7.08578.459 COND
8" PPBB 2" 500 Performa Rubber (Conductive Round) 10-1/4 6-1/4 11-3/4 7.08579.559 COND 7.08578.559 COND
8" Delrin- PPBB 2" 500 Moldon Rubber Ironcore 10-1/4 6-1/4 17-1/2 7.08579.649.7 7.08578.649.7
8" Delrin- Prec Ball- PPBB 2" 600 Performa Rubber (Round Grey) 10-1/4 6-1/4 11-3/4 7.08579.559 7.08578.559
8" Delrin- Prec Ball- PPBB 2" 675 Performa Rubber (Flat Black) 10-1/4 6-1/4 11-3/4 7.08579.459.2 7.08578.459.2
8" Delrin- Prec Ball- PPBB 2" 675 Performa Rubber (Flat Grey) 10-1/4 6-1/4 11-3/4 7.08579.459 7.08578.459
8" Delrin- Plain- PPBB 2" 900 Polyolefin 10-1/4 6-1/4 11-1/4 7.08579.839 7.08578.839
8" Delrin- PPBB 2" 1000 Polyurethane HI-TECH 10-1/4 6-1/4 11-3/4 7.08579.929 7.08578.929
8" Delrin- Prec Ball- PPBB 2" 1200 Endura Solid Elastomer 10-1/4 6-1/4 12-3/4 7.08579.839EN 7.08578.839EN
8" Prec Ball 2" 1200 Triumph (Crown Brown) 10-1/4 6-1/4 14 7.08579.93TF 7.08578.93TF
8" Prec Ball 2" 1200 Triumph (Crown Red) 10-1/4 6-1/4 14 7.08579.93TS 7.08578.93TS
8" Prec Ball 2" 1200 Triumph (Round Blue) 10-1/4 6-1/4 14 7.08579.96TF 7.08578.96TF
8" Prec Ball 2" 1200 Triumph (Round Red) 10-1/4 6-1/4 14 7.08579.96TS 7.08578.96TS
8" Delrin- Bronze- PPBB 2" 1400 Maxim 10-1/4 6-1/4 11-3/4 7.08579.539 7.08578.539
8" Delrin- PPBB 2" 1400 Moldon Polyurethane (Aluminumcore) 10-1/4 6-1/4 12 7.08579.939 7.08578.939
8" Delrin- PPBB 2" 1400 Moldon Polyurethane (Ironcore) 10-1/4 6-1/4 17-1/2 7.08579.949.7 7.08578.949.7
8" Delrin- PPBB 2" 1400 Moldon Nylon 10-1/4 6-1/4 12-2/3 7.08579.939.3 7.08578.939.3
8" Delrin- PPBB 2" 1400 Phenolic 10-1/4 6-1/4 13 7.08579.339 7.08578.339
8" Delrin- PPBB 2" 1400 Cast Iron 10-1/4 6-1/4 17 7.08579.139 7.08578.139

Wheel Selection